Monday, April 16, 2012

When do you do your blogging?

Blogging habits...

I've been blogging for 5 years now and this is actually my third blog.  I deleted my two previous blogs because, well, I needed a fresh start ;)

I don't know if other people feel the same way about their own blogs, but sometimes, we change the layout, the wallpaper, or in my case, delete everything completely just to give ourselves a change - a new blank page.

Sometimes, I wish I had saved what I've written for the past 5 just I can cringe and roll my eyeballs at all the embarrassing stuff....e.g. asking a guy to be my date whom I only knew by name, but was rather good looking (or so I thought at the time), just one day before my story, but true.

The second time I deleted my blog was right after Chris and I broke up.  We had a brief hiccup and of course, I was pretty much shattered.  So, I got onto the computer and deleted that portion of our history.  Lots of crying and moping....sad times.

This new blog started a couple months after my current job.  It allows me to preserve/save this part of me despite all the changes outside. 

But back to the main point....

I usually do my blogging during lunch hour.  I'm very lucky that I have my own office, so I can simply close my door and have my own space.  The department is usually very noisy; students come and go, secretaries, phone calls....but for that 1 hour during lunch, everything is quiet.  Everything stops...and that's when I start blogging.

I also blog at night.  That magical time between 10pm to 11:30pm....again, when the world wanes down and it's quiet. 

I also blog after Chris and I got into an argument =P

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