Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Snow globe

I know, I know, it's not Christmas yet.  I know.

Recently, more so than before, I've began to really examine my life and one of the questions that I've been asking myself is "Have I been living in a snow globe?"

Ever since I had that argument with Chris a couple weeks ago, I really made an effort to change the way I see things.  Mainly, I try not to judge so quickly about every situation and try to see things out.  Wait and see; Watch and learn.

I think my efforts are starting to pay off.  I wouldn't say there have been drastic changes, after all, it's still a work in progress, but I certainly feel different.  I seem to get angry less often and have more internal dialogues (or I've become more reflective).  Perhaps because of these minor adjustments, I feel like I'm starting to see "the same old issues" in a new light.

You know, because my first reaction is no longer " to get angry", it allows just enough time and space for others (especially Chris) to present (or squeeze in) their point of view and their version of the story.  And it's precisely because of these few extra seconds (ok, sometimes, days) that I'm able to hear the other perspective or see what the other person would do before making my judgement.  And so far, the results have surprised me.

Most of the time, I was wrong about Chris.  Not only did he not do what I think he would do, the reasons why he did what he did were beyond what I had in mind.  And because I had waited it out before making my judgement (which changed by the time I saw the whole picture), I was often rewarded, surprised =)  <3  So, it's been an eye-opener.

So, back to the snow globe...

Well, I just think I've been living my life the same way for the past decades: school, job, work...the normal stuff, maybe it's time to try out a different mode of life.  Going on a long vacation is one way to switch up the routine and taking on some new challenges is another way.  Combining the two, now that's something.  And that's something that Chris wants to do next summer.  That's also something I've been thinking about too.

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