Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I've got class this afternoon from 4:30 to 6:30.  To get me through this, I got myself the usual: CafĂ© Mocha and a hazelnut chocolate chip muffin from Starbucks.  This will hold me over until I get home, which is around 7pm and by that time, I'm usually starving.  Adding to that, I walk home, so that's 1/2 hour of exercise squeeze in there before my dinner.

Like most of you, I turned on the computer today with Boston all over the Internet.  I was in shock, of course.  At first, I tried to read up on it as much as possible, saw the videos....but the more I learned about what happened, the more upset I became and the harder it was for me to wrap my head around it. 

I think it is just a typical way we deal with tragic news of any sort.

So, I felt very heavy and dark and this was certainly not a good way to start the day (the miserable weather we've been having here wasn't helping either).  I was quite desperate to get myself out of the heavy mood until I read this feed on Facebook:

"Yes what happen at Boston Marathon was crazy but if American Media blames this on Brown bodies, I will xxxxxx go crazy. If the Military blames it on Koreans, I will not support the draft or the war. If they blame it on disability, I will hate society to its core. If they blame it on a Black person, I will rage from inward out. Only if they blame it on themselves will I be able to be at peace if your looking for what level of terror it is I'm going to have to say Pale or white."

Now, I know this is controversial.  I know not everyone will accept this and many will find it offensive.  I know.  I'm not sure how I exactly feel about it either.  Regardless, it does show us the other view and for that, it has its merits to a limited extent.  

Perhaps another less offensive status was this: "Politicians play their games while civilians pay the price."

Certainly, these gave me something to think about, which was far more comforting that seeing those images on the news.

What do you think?


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