A lot happened this weekend. So, I'll begin with this...
Chris and I watched Iron Man 3 this weekend and as everyone said, it was really amazing. It is indeed one of the best trilogies I've seen since Lord of the Rings. The movie is 130 mins long, but you wouldn't feel it. There were no slow parts. Chris and I were at the edge of our seats the whole way through.
We loved it.
Prior to the start of the weekend, I also watched this movie below. If you are interested, here the Link! to watch it online.
3 idiots was recommended by a colleague of mine. He came by my office one day and couldn't stop talking about this movie. He told me it's a must-see for all in the teaching profession because it wonderfully shows how students perceive education and the stress they go through in the process.
It is not one of the typical Bollywood movies though there are songs and dance. It is a delightful movie with a great message: Follow Excellence...Success will chase you, pants down.
You all have heard of this before. Very often, our parents will discourage us to pursue the arts or the music or any other subjects because it will not get you a job. They say, "You don't want to study that. You won't get a job."
Well, the point of this movie is the very opposite. It says, "Study whatever you like. If you love it enough and do it well enough, somebody will offer you a job for it."
I think it's a great message. And as I'm heading into my last week of class, I will definitely pass on this message to my students.
Now, to the last bit that I want to share with you in this long post. Chris and I were on the bus heading to the subway station and we were discussing about our future, what we want to do after we come back...etc. We kept going in circles and weren't able to work out anything.
Then he said, "From now on, I don't think we should talk about what are we going to do after the trip. Otherwise, what would be the point of our trip? We go on the trip to figure exactly that! We will start fresh. We start from zero."
We start from zero.
I like that. That's indeed how I feel.
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