It's been somewhat of a stressful week and it all began when my dad gave me the phone call.
Me: Hello?
Dad: Zooe?
Me: Yeah, hi dad
Dad: I saw the plan you sent us....
Me: Yes....
Dad: Are you really going to India [annoyed]
Me: Yes...
Dad: [even more annoyed and disappointed] Why do you feel like you need to go to India?
Me: [speechless]....we just want to go and take a look
Dad: *sigh*
Dad: Okay...*sigh*...then I don't know what else to say then. I don't want to talk anymore [hangs up the phone]
Just like that. The end of the conversation.
I was left hanging in the middle of nowhere and from that very second on, I was in a rut.
That phone call took place last Monday. It is now Wednesday of the following week and I think - I think - I have just finally manged to deal with what had happened.
The shock.
Poor Chris, of course. I vented out my frustration and anger to him all week =(
If you ask me why we are going to India, I honestly cannot give you a good reason other than, "Why not? I want to go see it." The way I see it, it's like asking someone why they decide to go travel and 9 times out of 10, they will tell you, "No particular reason, I just want to go see it."
It's a good enough reason for me and it's a good enough for Chris. I really don't think we are really that crazy.
Besides, I'm going to chop off all my hair before I go, make sure I get a good tan, and wear really scruffy clothes. We are going to take all the precautions.
Are we really that crazy?
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