Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Lunch with the Dean (ex-Dean)

I had lunch with the ex-Dean this afternoon.  He was the faculty's dean for the past 5 years and had just stepped down from the position this year.  He's a nice guy, but I wouldn't want to be this guy

I was kind of nervous about this lunch meeting because we don't really know each other that well, haven't worked together before, haven't lunched at all before, and just don't really hang out. 

He's up there in the stratosphere while I'm down here just trying to get it all together.  I mean, ultimately, we are at different levels.  So, when he invited me to this lunch meeting, I was a bit "Who, me?  Okay, sure."  I don't think I can no to this, no??

Turns out (as it usually does), lunch went fine.  I don't know how it was for him, but it was a bit dry for me, to be frank.  It was pleasant, but if I had a choice, he would not be my lunch buddy, really.  It was casual, but formal at the same time -- formal casual, if you know what I mean.

We pretend to be casual, but really, it's just formal.  I think y'all know what I mean.  It's a typical work thing.  Anyway, I'm glad it's done.  It's one thing I don't need to do again. LOL =D

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