Monday, October 17, 2011

The New Pandora

So, I succumbed to retail therapy today...well, not really. I've paid my respect and appreciation to jewelry today -- this afternoon-- within 1/2 hour.

I got my own Pandora bracelet - 2 toned Silver and Gold ---- well, more silver than gold at the moment.

And I love it!  It's exactly what I wanted.  Personalized and classic.  No one has the same.  Not really mass produced.  Meaningful....and sparkly.  =)

I don't have that many charms on it right now: 2 clips, 1 spacer, 1 safely clasp and 1 charm.  I love the way it jingles on my wrist and I love the way it has both silver and gold.  Compare to the ones I saw in Shenzhen yesterday, omg, what a world of difference!

I am so happy I got this and I can't wait to get more charms.  Of course, I will only buy charms that are meaningful to me.  I don't think I'll buy it just for the sake of filling out the bracelet =)

Love love love!


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