Thursday, November 8, 2012

Evaluating Tutorials

So, I went to sit in my tutorials today.  Well, not exactly my tutorials, but my TA's tutorials for my course.  And what did I think?

Some were really good, but some were not so good.  I suppose that is normal.  But for those that were not so good, I would ask the students if I could the following:

Why do you go? 
I have no choice.  I want the attendance mark. if you've decided to go, why do you just sit there?  It does you no good.  Why don't you try to participate and get something out of it?  You've already paid loads of money to be here?!

Honestly, I felt so bad at one point because they were all just sitting there...some checking their phones, others looking at the laptops....they are just wasting their time. 


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