Monday, January 7, 2013

A good friend indeed

A very good friend of mine messaged me yesterday to ask how my vacation was and in a relatively long email, I spilled the beans about spending time with Chris' parents over the holidays and of course, meeting the girlfriend. 

The reply I got back from my friend was: Dude, your message made me lol for real hahahaha...

He continued:

Just from experience, princess-y girlfriends don't last; we enjoy the thrill briefly.  It's the male equivalent of the bad boy phase...the princess-y kinda slutty could-be-a-model-if-she tried-really-hard-girl-phase.

And he said:

Also, I DEMAND DINNER WITH YOU AND CHRIS WHEN I AM BACK.  I am very bah unhappy about missing your wedding!!!

Yes, he will be on an overseas debate thing, so he will not be able to attend the wedding.  What is important is that this friend of mine has been there from the very beginning for Chris and I. 

I still remember the day when I first told this friend of mine about how I met this guy (Chris) and we chatted online.  I also remember all those times when Chris and I argued and I spilled my guts to my friend about it all.  And of course, I will always remember that phone call.  Chris and I had hit a very rough patch in our relationship a couple years back.  That night, my friend rang me up and I didn't even say anything except a brief "Hello" and he immediately know something was very wrong.

So, he was there for it all.  And of course, I've been mostly there for all of his relationship ups and downs.

So, I said to him in the email, "Yeah, I feel that my marriage registration would be incomplete if you were not there.  After all, you were there for it all for Chris and I.  If anything, I certainly want your blessing.  It's important."

One of my very good friends, indeed =)

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